gradschoolfail 2 days ago

Aah, I thought you were hinting at malfeasance by TM. Lumpers girl, is hardly mentioned by Farina without dubbies also indicated; secretarial skills hinted at at least once.

  • 082349872349872 2 days ago

    Malfeasance? TM evidently believes that in this century a Landy is fated to be a Chelsea tractor; from YT videos (which only show inanimate gear, not sheep or goats or anything practical) it appears they expect that one ought to rinse whatever one is transporting off before stowing it in the boot — completely backwards.

    There is a very boomer joke, probably at least fifty years old by now, which involves a (male, of course) boss who interviews 3 (female, of course) secretarial candidates, and maybe there's some WPM involved, but he also gives them each a pile of cash as part of the interview.

    One goes to the track, one invests in the overnight market, etc.

    So which one does he hire?

    The one with the most wood in front of the hut.


    • gradschoolfail 2 days ago

      Btw, i wasnt suggesting that you pair HN with EtOH like tptacek does — loading up on a few yt rhymes should achieve the same effect for you? Conviviality without killing any brain cells..

      Blonde is americain? The tattooed guy, alpine accent?

      • tptacek 2 days ago

        Hey. I paired a block party with HN. I do not generally pair HN and drinking!