wmf 2 days ago

There's a lot of chip packaging in Taiwan, Malaysia, and maybe Singapore so these A16s are probably racking up frequent flier miles. Probably not China though.

In the future they will probably be packaged in the US: https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/11/apple-announces-expan...

  • joshstrange 2 days ago

    Most likely frequent boating miles given their push to use water transport over air when possible for the environmental benefits.

cududa 2 days ago

No. That was some misinformation. The chips are being fully packaged in the U.S.

  • fngjdflmdflg 2 days ago

    I think "for assembly" here means iPhone assembly, ie. the final SoC will be sent to China to assemble the iPhone. I don't think GP is referring to packaging.

VWWHFSfQ 2 days ago


  • chipdude1973 2 days ago

    Two points to counter the snark:

    1. The output of a "chip manufacturing" process is a wafer. There is absolutely further assembly (bonding, packaging) done on this output.

    2. The chips themselves are not for the end user's consumption. They are assembled into a product, a "consumer electronic".

  • btbuilder 2 days ago

    Assembly of the phone or device using the processor.

    • branko_d 2 days ago

      The dies themselves are "assembled" - cut from the wafer, bonded to the wires (or solder bumps) that carry signals to the rest of the system, and packaged for physical protection and thermal management.

      In recent times, multi-chiplet architecture has added its own layer of complexity to that process.

      See also: OSAT.

    • VWWHFSfQ 2 days ago

      we're talking about the chip itself. Not the phone