Comment by zlwaterfield

Comment by zlwaterfield 2 days ago

30 replies

After years with Grammarly, I wanted a simpler, cheaper way to improve my writing. So I built Scramble, a Chrome extension that uses an LLM for writing enhancements.

Key features: - Uses your OpenAI API key (100% local) - Pre-defined prompts for various improvements - Highlight text and wait for suggestions - Currently fixed to GPT-4-turbo

Future plans: add LLM provider/model choice, custom prompts, bug fixes, and improve default prompts.

It's probably buggy, but I'll keep improving it. Feedback welcome.


xdennis 2 days ago

> Key features: - Uses your OpenAI API key (100% local)

Sorry, but we have a fundamental disagreement on terms here. Sending requests to OpenAI is not 100% local.

The OpenAI API is not free or open source. By your definition, if you used the Grammarly API for this extension it would be a 100% local, open source alternative to Grammarly too.

  • zlwaterfield 2 days ago

    Agree, I want to add a local LLM set up. The wording there isn't great.

kylebenzle 2 days ago

Without marketing speak can I ask why anyone would have a need for a service like grammerly, I always thought it was odd trying to sell a subscription based spell checker (AI is just a REALLY good spell checker).

  • gazereth 2 days ago

    Non-native speakers find it useful since it doesn't just fix spelling but also fixes correctness, directness, tone and tense. It gives you an indication of how your writing comes across, e.g. friendly, aggressive, assertive, polite.

    English can be a very nuanced language - easy to learn, difficult to master. Grammarly helps with that.

  • rlayton2 2 days ago

    I'm a big fan of Grammarly and have been using it, and paying for it, for years.

    The advantage is not spell checking. It is grammar and style improvements. It tells you things like "this language is informal", or "this is a better word for that".

  • mhuffman 2 days ago

    The "grammar" part, at least in a professional setting. You might be shocked at how many people will write an email pretty much like they would talk to friends at a club or send a text message (complete with emojis!) or just generally butcher professional correspondence.

    • dotancohen 2 days ago

      So it may be more attractive to employers to check their employees' output, rather than an individual checking his own?

      • oneeyedpigeon 2 days ago

        No, it's also useful to check your own writing. I've used it as both an Editor and a Writer.

  • socksy 2 days ago

    It is widely used in countries where the professional language is English, but the native language of the speakers is not.

    For example, most Slavic languages don't have the same definite/indefinite article system English does, which means that whilst someone could speak and write excellent English, the correct usage of "a" and "the" is a constant conscious struggle, where having a tool to check and correct your working is really useful. In Greek, word order is not so important. And so on.

    Spell check usually just doesn't cut it, and when it does (say, in Word), it usually isn't universally available.

    Personally, I have long wanted such a system for German, which I am not native in. Lucky for me DeepL launched a similar product with German support.

    A recent example for me was that I was universally using "bekommen" as a literal translation of "receive" in all sentences where I needed that word. Through DeepL I learned that the more appropriate word in a bunch of contexts is "erhalten", which is the sort of thing that I would never have got from a spell check.

    Grammarly is notably a Ukrainian founded company.

  • pbhjpbhj 2 days ago

    Without marketing speak, can I ask why anyone would have a need for a service like Grammarly?

    Manual corrections here, but maybe they give a clue?
    • robertlagrant 2 days ago

      They aren't a native English speaker and would like a hand with phrasing.

lhousa 2 days ago

Rookie question: the openAPI endpoint costs extra right? Not something that comes with chatGPT or chatGPT+.

  • zlwaterfield 2 days ago

    Correct but I'm going to loom into a locally running LLM so it would be free.

    • Tepix 2 days ago

      Please do (assuming you mean "look"). When you add support for a custom API URL, please make sure it supports HTTP Basic authentication.

      That's super useful for people who run say ollama with an nginx reverse proxy in front of it (that adds authentication).

    • nickthegreek 2 days ago

      Look into allowing it to connect to either a LM Studio endpoint or ollama please.

  • Szpadel 2 days ago

    yes, but gpt-4o-mini costs very little so you probably will spend well under $1/month

    • miguelaeh 2 days ago

      I don't think the point here should be the cost, but the fact that you are sending everything you write to OpenAI to train their models on your information. The option of a local model allows you to preserve the privacy of what you write. I like that.

      • nickthegreek 2 days ago

        Openai does not train models on data that comes in from the API.

        • punchmesan 2 days ago

          Assuming for the moment that they aren't saying that with their fingers crossed behind their back, that doesn't change the fact that they store the inputs they receive and swear they'll protect it (Paraphrasing from the Content section of the above link). Even if it's not fed back into the LLM, the fact that they store the inputs anywhere for a period of time is a huge privacy risk -- after all a breach is a matter of "when", not "if".

TheRealPomax 2 days ago

Does it work in "not a browser" though? Because that's the last place I need this, I really want this in Typora, VS Code, etc. instead.

  • zlwaterfield 2 days ago

    Not right now. Looking into a mac app. This was just a quick and dirty first go at it.

    • TheRealPomax 2 days ago

      Makes sense. Strongly hope it won't be a "mac app" but a cross-platform application instead though, nothing worse than having a great mac app that you can't use 50% of the time because your work computer's a mac and your personal computer's a windows machine because you like playing games.

compootr 2 days ago

how much does it cost in a normal day?

  • Tepix 2 days ago

    Don't think about money. Think about the cost in terms of forgone privacy.

    • compootr 2 days ago

      to protect your privacy from grammarly you fork over your data to openai?

  • pkhamre 2 days ago

    What is a normal day?

    • compootr 2 days ago

      like what he's spending on average.

      Maybe sending some emails, writing or proofreading some docs -- what you'd do in a business day

    • exe34 2 days ago

      a day when nothing too unusual happens.

_HMCB_ 2 days ago

This is awesome. Can’t wait to install it and put it through its paces.