sbarre 3 days ago

No but they run "re-education" internment camps for their own people (estimated up to 1.8M people) in their own country:

ruraljuror 3 days ago

That is a bizarre standard but I would argue China’s fueling the US’s fentanyl crisis is far worse.

longone 3 days ago

No. But does China have a horrible record on human rights and abuses? Yes. Have they been ethnically cleansing the Uyghur population for years now? Yes. Not to mention bullying and threatening all neighbors across the region. Just read about the recent worries over ZMPC cranes. The CCP will and has infiltrated private companies as a vector to spy on other countries. Maybe they haven't blown up pagers like this, but they've done other things that should make anyone skeptical of buying sensitive equipment from them.

  • Sawamara 2 days ago

    Oh wow, a country BULLYING its neighbors. Imagine a country doing that. Luckily, the US never does something like that. Or imposes sanctions on a country half a world away, sanctions which the entire world has to adhere to unless they want to lose US trading all together.

    Some of these talking points fall apart upon typing them, let alone posting.

nozzlegear 3 days ago

I don't think so, but neither have the US or EU to my recollection.