nozzlegear 2 days ago

It's disingenuous to compare prisons with internment camps.

  • immibis 2 days ago


    • kortilla 2 days ago

      Because you go to prison for breaking the law

      • UncleMeat a day ago

        The US defines what the law is. We've also got bucketloads of people sitting in jails prior to trial for nonviolent crimes.

      • account42 2 days ago

        This doesn't really mean much when those laws include "you're not allowed to expose crimes by government" not to mention drug laws and copyright. At the end it's not any less arbitrary than whatever excuses the chinese government uses to intern those they don't like.

      • Prbeek 2 days ago

        Fun fact. There are more people in US prisons than there ever were in Soviet gulags

        • nozzlegear 2 days ago

          An interesting fact, though perhaps completely irrelevant since people were sent to the gulags for completely different reasons.

          Fun fact. There are more people in the US education system than there ever were in Soviet gulags.

          Just as irrelevant.

      • immibis 2 days ago

        You also go to internment camps for breaking the law. So I repeat: how are they different?

      • Maken 2 days ago

        They also sent you to the gulags fog breaking the law.

        • obscurette 2 days ago

          No. While there were criminals also in gulags, most of people were there only because someone didn't like them or they happened to be wrong time in wrong place. That's it.