Comment by IG_Semmelweiss

Comment by IG_Semmelweiss 3 days ago

9 replies

I actually think that an unintended consequence is that Mossad has permanently flagged the vast majority of Hizbullah's followers, an entire generation, on Lebanese soil.

The wound patterns will emerge for the vast majority of victims: arms, hands, eyes and hips ? Time will tell.

The Lebanese army, and the IDF, now suddenly can tell between civilian vs combatant.

Thuggery 3 days ago

I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding but it sounds like you are implying membership of Hezbollah is deep dark shameful secret in Lebanon. The designation of Hezbollah as a "terrorist organization" is great for outside political propaganda, but the actual reality is they are a major and open faction in political life in Lebanon as both paramilitary group and political party - as is my understanding. Basically Sinn Fein/IRA.

  • IG_Semmelweiss 2 days ago

    Lebanon is very generous. They have their zones, mostly in the South, Bekaa, and a specific part of Beyrouth. It is also true they have a political wing. But they also have covert enforcers outside those zones and that is what everyone else is most fearful of. They have been involved in sectarian killings tit-for-tats, for many years. Most famously, the murder of PM rafik hariri.

    So, otside of those Hizbullah zones, its actually not common to see the Hizbullah yellow flags openly displayed. Or a car bumper sticker. It is for good reason. There was a civil war before, and memories run deep.

Sawamara 2 days ago

Oh sure, Israel is famous for caring about the difference between civilian and combatants.

bbqfog 3 days ago

If I was wounded (or even witnessed this in real life), I would go from civilian to combatant instantly. Israel just attacked a bunch of civilian population centers. This will be seen as a huge strategic mistake, both in terms of new combatants created on the ground and continued loss of good will for Israel abroad.

  • IG_Semmelweiss 2 days ago

    I think you are missing context. 10 years of civil war and many more decades of animositiy and of strife, are not reversed overnight , even due to an event like this. For example, Israël has lobbed missiles before, and that had its collateral damage, but also didnt change a thing or win new allies to Hizbullah.

    Even some druze (historically neutral sectl were kidnapped and killed in the Oct 7th events.

    Now, for the 1st time in 100 years, every single rival of hizbullah is able to instantly recognize enemies, in the open.

    Obe thing im certain of, Israel has managed to reset the board in its conflict with Hezbollah.

    • bbqfog 2 days ago

      Israel has no support outside of hardcore Zionists. I don't know if you've checked out the global reaction to this terrorist act that Israel just pulled, but they just multiplied the intensity of their enemies (i.e. the rest of humanity) 10X.