Comment by IG_Semmelweiss

Comment by IG_Semmelweiss 2 days ago

1 reply

I think you are missing context. 10 years of civil war and many more decades of animositiy and of strife, are not reversed overnight , even due to an event like this. For example, Israël has lobbed missiles before, and that had its collateral damage, but also didnt change a thing or win new allies to Hizbullah.

Even some druze (historically neutral sectl were kidnapped and killed in the Oct 7th events.

Now, for the 1st time in 100 years, every single rival of hizbullah is able to instantly recognize enemies, in the open.

Obe thing im certain of, Israel has managed to reset the board in its conflict with Hezbollah.

bbqfog 2 days ago

Israel has no support outside of hardcore Zionists. I don't know if you've checked out the global reaction to this terrorist act that Israel just pulled, but they just multiplied the intensity of their enemies (i.e. the rest of humanity) 10X.