Comment by jmyeet

Comment by jmyeet 3 days ago

7 replies

Let's be clear here: it was a terrorist attack. Replace "IsraeL" and "Lebanon" with "iran" and "Israel" and Iran would already have bombed by the US.

Netanyahu is trying to ignite a regional war. It's the only way he stays out of prison. If the genocide in Gaza ends, his government falls and he goes to jail. He wants to drag the US into this regional war.

Do you think that's smart from Israel's perspective? Will that improve that safety of Israeli citizens? Or will it subject them to counterattacks?

Is that smart?

_DeadFred_ 3 days ago

You have zero information about the goal here. There could have been an imminent attack from from Hezbollah that this action by Israel stopped, an attack that could have caused much more collateral damage on both sides of the border than this targeted at Hezbollah op. You literally have nothing to base calling this a terrorist attack on at this point.

  • codesnik 2 days ago

    > could have been

    yeah, we can go a long way with that reasoning.

dralley 3 days ago

It's not a terrorist attack unless the primary goal is causing terror. The primary goal here was clearly causing damage to Hamas' command structure by putting a few thousand militants in the hospital, and also literally blowing up their communications network.

  • sethammons 16 hours ago

    I think that they are inspiring terror, but terror against operatives. That's a good goal. Terror against civilians is the problem (according to our modern moral code)

  • jmyeet 3 days ago

    What would you killing 8+ peole and wounding 2800+? Were it any other actor, there would be absolutely no hesitation in calling it a terrorist attack.

    You know who uses pagers? Doctors and nurses. Are they legitimate military targets? Let's just say that a Hezbollah or Hamas commander was killed. What's an acceptable civilian dead or wounded count that takes it out of the realm of a terrorist attack? How many is too many?

    • _DeadFred_ 3 days ago

      I'd call it the lowest number of civilians casualties ever for this large scale of an attack on ones military adversaries embedded within an urban environment.

    • [removed] 2 days ago