Comment by dralley

Comment by dralley 3 days ago

4 replies

It's not a terrorist attack unless the primary goal is causing terror. The primary goal here was clearly causing damage to Hamas' command structure by putting a few thousand militants in the hospital, and also literally blowing up their communications network.

sethammons 16 hours ago

I think that they are inspiring terror, but terror against operatives. That's a good goal. Terror against civilians is the problem (according to our modern moral code)

jmyeet 3 days ago

What would you killing 8+ peole and wounding 2800+? Were it any other actor, there would be absolutely no hesitation in calling it a terrorist attack.

You know who uses pagers? Doctors and nurses. Are they legitimate military targets? Let's just say that a Hezbollah or Hamas commander was killed. What's an acceptable civilian dead or wounded count that takes it out of the realm of a terrorist attack? How many is too many?

  • _DeadFred_ 3 days ago

    I'd call it the lowest number of civilians casualties ever for this large scale of an attack on ones military adversaries embedded within an urban environment.

  • [removed] 3 days ago