Comment by BiteCode_dev

Comment by BiteCode_dev 3 days ago

9 replies

The people disliking the language are very vocal about it, but there is a huge amount of silent people that loves it and an even bigger amount that just like it as much as alternatives. It's mainstream now, not trending like 10 years ago, so there is no hype about it anymore. We just use it to do stuff.

Add to that the existing excellent ecosystem, the strong culture of scientific stacks and a very good story for providing c-extentions (actually the best one in all scripting languages because of things like cibuildwheel).

It's only in small tech bubbles like HN that devs find it surprising.

pm90 2 days ago

Python has many issues that are quite clear when you operate at some kind of scale and need proper multiprocessing/multithreading support. And its not just the GIL, you get very unexpected behaviors when dealing with exit handlers and signal handlers in edge cases. Having seen what other languages look like it just doesn’t feel like a language that was designed well for running at scale.

The tooling has markedly improved though. Things like typing and compile time checks, great. But its also funny to me that some of the fastest tools for python are being built in rust (eg uv).

devjab 2 days ago

I’ve always found Python to be sort of loved on HN. Not by everyone or course but I guess it depends on each of our experiences on here. I’m usually rather surprised when I meet people who genuinely dislike Python, because that seems like such an odd occurrence. Even if people don’t “love” the language most people seem to have had rather fond experiences or memories of it. Usually criticism comes down to its inefficiencies, but those aren’t exactly unreasonable critiques.

As I said it’s anecdotal, but in my experience Python gets a lot of love compared to something like Java or C#. Both of which are often met with real harshness. Hell I’ve ranted unseemly about C# myself.

pjmlp 18 hours ago

My only big critism is the CPython folks resistance to any kind of performance improvements, and the way PyPy efforts have been largely ignored, making Python the last major dynamic language to finally start caring about performance and having a JIT in the box.

Finally thanks to data science, and people getting fed up with always writing bindings, this is changing, and Python can join Common Lisp, Scheme, Smalltalk, SELF, JavaScript, Ruby, Lua, Dylan, Julia, BASIC club.

  • gpderetta 18 hours ago

    and elisp. Let's not forget that elisp got a JIT (well, actually a static compiler) before CPython did!

    • pjmlp 16 hours ago

      Indeed, I only listed the languages I know more about, it has been a long time since XEmacs was my poor man's IDE on UNIX systems.

  • neonsunset 17 hours ago

    To be fair, Ruby YJIT can still somehow be slower than Python 3.11+ at times. Lua JIT is a bit of a separate effort and the ones that truly try the hardest here are Julia (which is not necessarily interpreted, it's really difficult to call it a pure scripting language at this point) and JavaScript engine implementations. I can see pretty good numbers for SBCL on BenchmarksGame too.

    • pjmlp 16 hours ago

      Yes, but it isn't the only one, the oldest Ruby JIT goes back to Ruby Motion, still being sold.

      I would not put Julia and Common Lisp on the scripting basket yep.

lordgroff 2 days ago

I mean, even on HN, I'd say if there's derision, it's mostly one uttered with a yawn rather than genuine hate. And that's almost justified; while I spend a lot of my time with lots of different languages (I can't think of a single one I outright hate btw), Python is the one that pays for my things and... Well, there's not much drama there is there (now that we're lost 2->3 anyway)? It's a glue language that's easy to learn, but offers tons of depth should you want it. My primary annoyance at Python used to be the typing, but type annotations have made this less of an issue. It's a nice language and you can do almost everything with it. It's a bit boring, but I guess that's a good thing.

gpderetta 18 hours ago

The people disliking the language might also be the people that love it. I know I am in that camp.

It is a great language in many ways, that's why its shortcomings are so painful.