Comment by pjmlp

Comment by pjmlp 18 hours ago

4 replies

My only big critism is the CPython folks resistance to any kind of performance improvements, and the way PyPy efforts have been largely ignored, making Python the last major dynamic language to finally start caring about performance and having a JIT in the box.

Finally thanks to data science, and people getting fed up with always writing bindings, this is changing, and Python can join Common Lisp, Scheme, Smalltalk, SELF, JavaScript, Ruby, Lua, Dylan, Julia, BASIC club.

gpderetta 18 hours ago

and elisp. Let's not forget that elisp got a JIT (well, actually a static compiler) before CPython did!

  • pjmlp 16 hours ago

    Indeed, I only listed the languages I know more about, it has been a long time since XEmacs was my poor man's IDE on UNIX systems.

neonsunset 17 hours ago

To be fair, Ruby YJIT can still somehow be slower than Python 3.11+ at times. Lua JIT is a bit of a separate effort and the ones that truly try the hardest here are Julia (which is not necessarily interpreted, it's really difficult to call it a pure scripting language at this point) and JavaScript engine implementations. I can see pretty good numbers for SBCL on BenchmarksGame too.

  • pjmlp 16 hours ago

    Yes, but it isn't the only one, the oldest Ruby JIT goes back to Ruby Motion, still being sold.

    I would not put Julia and Common Lisp on the scripting basket yep.