knallfrosch 3 days ago

First of all, the discussion is purely hypothetical – noone ever put George W Bush in prison for his Iraq invasion. No matter what you, or the world, thinks of it, it's not going to happen.

Second, what Israel and its enemies are doing is far from the land warfare the laws were written for. Do all Hezbollah soldiers wear uniforms indicating their affiliation and rank? Yeah, I thought so.

oytis 3 days ago

Why would it be?

  • delecti 3 days ago

    Booby traps and indiscriminate targeting.

    • s1artibartfast 3 days ago

      Hardly seems like a boobytrap. Furthermore, Boobytraps are only a war crime if they target civilians, inflict unnecessary suffering, or are placed in unsavory locations like the trapping of wounded soldiers or medical supplies.

    • sethammons 2 days ago

      Bobby traps are triggered by the target; these were remotely triggered. These were highly targeted to group members.

      • sixQuarks 2 days ago

        Highly targeted? 2 children were killed

        • sethammons a day ago

          If you are mailed something in the mail, is that indiscriminately mailing or targeted mailing? It is obviously targeted. If you mail a business, it is targeted. If you mail a business something to give to all their employees, that is targeted.

          Just because someone else might get what is mailed to me or that someone else might pick up what was sent to me doesn't make it "untargeted" - it is highly targeted. But missed.

          The Trump attempted assassination was highly targeted and a bystander died.

          I feel I have made my case. Can you provide rationale for yours beyond collateral damage? I feel the Trump example trumps that.

          Post edit: I also want to acknowledge that you can feel that this is horrible and terrible and all the bad things. We are simply talking about the definition of targeted

    • oytis 3 days ago

      It's not indiscriminate, they were targeting Hezbollah members as precisely as hardly any conventional weapon would be able to.

[removed] 3 days ago
mdni007 3 days ago


  • lyu07282 3 days ago

    Or terrorism, it's quite astonishing how all western media avoids that term. It's an obscene terrorist attack with complete disregard for civilian life. Grotesque the west supports this barbarism.

    • EasyMark 3 days ago

      Can you name any USA politicians currently lauding this?

      • lyu07282 3 days ago

        You can not have this united bipartisan political front supporting the Israeli government and then feign innocence or impartiality of the violent, indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilian life. The only defense anyone could plead is to have fallen victim to the western propaganda machine whitewashing it all, so you just didn't know any better. They call it acceptable collateral damage and you just nod along like the sheep you are.

  • onlyrealcuzzo 3 days ago

    This is true if you're a sheep and you live in the US or an allied nation and the exact opposite if you live in an unfriendly country.

    For example, if you're a sheep in China, China would obviously never commit a war crime.

    If you're a sheep in Russia, Russia would obviously never commit a war crime.

    If you're a sheep in the US, the US would obviously never commit a war crime.
