delecti 3 days ago

Booby traps and indiscriminate targeting.

  • s1artibartfast 3 days ago

    Hardly seems like a boobytrap. Furthermore, Boobytraps are only a war crime if they target civilians, inflict unnecessary suffering, or are placed in unsavory locations like the trapping of wounded soldiers or medical supplies.

  • sethammons 2 days ago

    Bobby traps are triggered by the target; these were remotely triggered. These were highly targeted to group members.

    • sixQuarks 2 days ago

      Highly targeted? 2 children were killed

      • sethammons a day ago

        If you are mailed something in the mail, is that indiscriminately mailing or targeted mailing? It is obviously targeted. If you mail a business, it is targeted. If you mail a business something to give to all their employees, that is targeted.

        Just because someone else might get what is mailed to me or that someone else might pick up what was sent to me doesn't make it "untargeted" - it is highly targeted. But missed.

        The Trump attempted assassination was highly targeted and a bystander died.

        I feel I have made my case. Can you provide rationale for yours beyond collateral damage? I feel the Trump example trumps that.

        Post edit: I also want to acknowledge that you can feel that this is horrible and terrible and all the bad things. We are simply talking about the definition of targeted

  • oytis 3 days ago

    It's not indiscriminate, they were targeting Hezbollah members as precisely as hardly any conventional weapon would be able to.