gradschoolfail 2 days ago

Hopefully, you didnt miss this tangentially moored submission (was your depedendency on time constant re: [VP] sales vs engineers related to that covered therein

  • 082349872349872 2 days ago

    No, I was referring to a different time constant: the τ such that the number of times the whiskey priest[0] falls off the wagon[1] occuring at t<τ equals the number of times the decay occurs at t>τ.

    So, just like the quantum watched pot never boils, the up-through-sales CEO would, out of habit alone, keep nurturing[2] their company officers — staying in touch (t<<τ) and shepherding them away from personal and towards corporate goals.

    (My hypothesis being that an up-through-engineering CEO, not finding this behaviour natural, would have to make an explicit attempt to do so, and hence might experience severe cultural issues dealing with people who can deliver a great deal of value under the right leadership but require steady, if small[3][4], external inputs to keep them in the fold.)

    [0] compare

    [1] pads headcount, orphans mistakes, etc.

    [2] for a prospect: staying in touch and shepherding them towards close

    [3] the shepherd's crook can be mightier than the prince's cannon. (back when we had Prince-Bishops they used to commission statues of themselves holding both sword and crook, emphasising their ability to use either temporal persuasion or moral suasion)

    [4] see also the unstable yet controllable regime for designing fighter aircraft.