Comment by sevensor

Comment by sevensor 3 days ago

13 replies

Took a little digging to find that it targets 3.11. Didn’t see anything about a GIL. If you’re a Python person, don’t click the quick start link unless you want to look at some xml.

pjmlp 3 days ago

Python implementations naturally don't have any GIL in regards to JVM or CLR variants, there is no such thing on those platforms.

YAML and JSON have both tried to replicate the XML tooling experience, only worse.

Schemas, comments, parsing and schema conversions tools.

jitl 3 days ago

Happily, you can ignore the Maven XML and use Gradle instead, it's the next codeblock on the page, after "or":

  • vips7L 2 days ago

    Gradle files are less verbose than the equivalent Maven pom.xml but Gradle tends to have other issues like: complex builds that are hard to maintain, not running on the latest JVM version without some wait time, and constantly breaking because Gradle makes breaking changes every release. I'm hoping the declarative Gradle experiment [0] helps with this.

    Additionally if XML isn't your thing Maven is making a push for other formats in Maven 4 like HOCON [1].

    [0] [1]

foobazgt 3 days ago

I mean, if you're trying to embed one language in another, please don't be surprised when the quickstart guide has a couple of examples containing a few lines of code written for the embedding language and its package manager(s).