Comment by wackget

Comment by wackget 3 days ago

2 replies

I'm gonna ask here because I've not found a solution anywhere else:

I loved the Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor game but when I tried to play its sequel, Middle-earth: Shadow of War, I found the mouse input absolutely horrible.

Horrendous mouse lag, floaty camera control, and all the signs of a "mouse emulating gamepad" type situation.

Does anyone know if there's a way to fix this game? I'd love to play it on PC with a mouse but can't stomach it as-is.

CrimsonRain 3 days ago

Sometimes, enabling "raw mouse input" option in the game solves this completely. Ofc this depends on the game, and also not all games have this option. The ones that don't, you can try reducing your mouse DPI to 400 and polling rate to lowest; I think 125hz. Don't remember.

btw, I never played this particular game but lots of others have this issue.