geor9e 3 days ago

There is a joke about YC startups starting as "illegal taxi", "illegal hotel" … It makes sense, since law firms don't bother with lawsuits until the target has deep pockets. There are a thousand ways a startup can fail, and "got sued" in somewhere in that list of worries to focus on, but maybe not near the top at first.

  • mywittyname 3 days ago

    You'll find plenty of experienced people in the industry that tell you not to worry about the law. Either, the company is too small for it to matter, or it is large enough to afford lawyers and lobbyists.

    Given the acceptability of "saying the quiet part out loud" anymore, I'm sure you could find a famous tech guy expressing such sentiments.

    Though, I'm sure those same people will throw a fit if they end up on the losing side of AI generated startups. Imagine an AI prompt that replaces and entire Oracle cluster with a self-hosted postgres one for a fraction of the cost.

a2128 3 days ago

The autogenerated app in their demo video comes with fake reviews and falsely claims you can make lists private when they're actually all public. Of course there's also zero GDPR/CCPA compliance on the generated app, there is no privacy policy (not that an AI could really read your mind about what you wanna with user data), no privacy contact and no account deletion, just a faceless AI-generated website. Security-wise I would place no confidence, it even failed to add a check to stop two people from having the same username. Legally this should be treated more like a toy for personal entertainment than anything

umussetu 3 days ago

good question, it's not a no-code tool - we generate code (similar to a cursor or copilot) and we expect people to review the generated codebase. We'll add a section on the documentation like checklist you need to review to make sure there is no security issues. should probably add ToS also yes

  • smt88 3 days ago

    You can't have a "security checklist" with multiple Turing-complete languages involved.

    It's better to give up on security and tell the users that they're generating code at their own risk.

    • candiddevmike 3 days ago

      It's probably better to have a "for entertainment purposes only" banner plastered all over the website since it doesn't seem like this startup consulted with lawyers at all over this.