Comment by geor9e

Comment by geor9e 3 days ago

1 reply

There is a joke about YC startups starting as "illegal taxi", "illegal hotel" … It makes sense, since law firms don't bother with lawsuits until the target has deep pockets. There are a thousand ways a startup can fail, and "got sued" in somewhere in that list of worries to focus on, but maybe not near the top at first.

mywittyname 3 days ago

You'll find plenty of experienced people in the industry that tell you not to worry about the law. Either, the company is too small for it to matter, or it is large enough to afford lawyers and lobbyists.

Given the acceptability of "saying the quiet part out loud" anymore, I'm sure you could find a famous tech guy expressing such sentiments.

Though, I'm sure those same people will throw a fit if they end up on the losing side of AI generated startups. Imagine an AI prompt that replaces and entire Oracle cluster with a self-hosted postgres one for a fraction of the cost.