Comment by saghm

Comment by saghm 3 days ago

1 reply

> Even more unpopular, you have a choice to work. To work at Amazon.

I had coworkers at Amazon who never lived near any office and were hired with the understanding that they'd always be remote. After several years, they were told to "return" to an office that they never worked in before hundreds or thousands miles away or to resign (without severance of course, since it's "voluntary", and of course refusing to quit or move would lead to firing "for cause"). Are you saying that this is okay because it's Amazon, and their employees don't need to be treated as fairly as anywhere else, or are you arguing that this should be allowed anywhere? I can't imagine why this would be reasonable at any company, but I can't tell if this is an anti-Amazon sentiment or just a consistent opinion that seems crazy to me.

rescbr 3 days ago

Ex-Amazonian here, but outside the US. How come refusing to quit would lead to firing “for cause”?

Wouldn’t that be some constructive dismissal, or am I misunderstanding the US labor law?

When I was laid off through the PIP’s way just before the 2022 official layoffs, the first thing I questioned was if they were firing me for no cause, and I collected both Amazon’s severance and the government mandated severance for non-cause dismissals.