Comment by VyseofArcadia

Comment by VyseofArcadia 3 days ago

5 replies

> This is Amazon having it both ways, which is what a lot of companies are doing. You can work remotely 'sometimes,' with a secret definition of 'sometimes,' operating in the background.

This isn't really different than startups offering "unlimited" time off. That's just

> This is Company XYZ having it both ways, which is what a lot of companies are doing. You can take time off 'sometimes,' with a secret definition of 'sometimes,' operating in the background.

I think it's widely known that "unlimited" time off is a scam, and people with "unlimited" PTO actually take less time off then their peers who have to accrue PTO the old fashioned way. And yet sometimes I still see people who are enthusiastic about it.

dml2135 3 days ago

I don't know why people are so convinced that "unlimited" time off is always a scam. I took 7 weeks off last year, it doesn't feel like a scam to me.

  • farivan 3 days ago

    One factor to consider (depending on your locality) is that "unlimited" time off doesn't allow you to accrue vacation days, that would be paid if you were e.g. laid off.

    • dml2135 a day ago

      Absolutely, which is why I make sure to take more time off than any vacation days I would likely receive.

  • hapless 3 days ago

    when I had "unlimited" pto, my boss took three months a year, I got two weeks at Christmas

    it is a question of priorities, and every vacation you take suddenly requires review