Comment by ktzar

Comment by ktzar 3 days ago

3 replies

I think you have touch on an interesting point here... When working remotely you really need to put an effort into keeping a healthy social life balance, otherwise you end up feeling exactly as you describe. It's easy for days to go on with no "change of landscape", and that can send anyone straight to depression.

flkiwi 3 days ago

"It's easy for days to go on with no 'change of landscape', and that can send anyone straight to depression."

Counterpoint: That's an exact description of how I felt working in an office.

brightball 3 days ago

Yea, I’ve been working remote for 12 years and that was the first thing I had to solve.

There’s a local tech Slack in my area that I keep up and I have a text group that I’ve built up over the years that sometimes grabs lunch or hits the gym. Keeps me balanced.

philote 3 days ago

I think employers with remote employees can also do a better job in many cases with getting people to socialize. It's definitely easier to socialize when in the office, but several remote jobs I've had didn't really do much for this even though everyone was remote. I feel managers of remote employees need to do more online social events, have a water cooler chat, etc. in order to get team members to talk to each other. I'm currently on a team that doesn't do this well, and it's very isolating to barely know and talk to your teammates.