Comment by phendrenad2

Comment by phendrenad2 3 days ago

6 replies

Companies are their people. What else does AWS have? Patents? Worthless. Name brand? Ephemeral. Server farms? Cost centers.

We could all switch to Linode tomorrow and forget AWS existed the day after.

oblio 3 days ago

AWS is orders of magnitude bigger than Linode in both depth and breadth and despite all the memes, there's a reason it makes so much money and that reason isn't purely "executive stupidity". Does Linode even offer something like SNS or SQS?

  • phendrenad2 3 days ago

    Serious answer: Most people have moved to K8s so most of AWS is a few lines of code away.

    • oblio 3 days ago

      How do they store data? How do they handle queuing systems? Etc, etc.