Comment by oblio

Comment by oblio 3 days ago

5 replies

AWS is orders of magnitude bigger than Linode in both depth and breadth and despite all the memes, there's a reason it makes so much money and that reason isn't purely "executive stupidity". Does Linode even offer something like SNS or SQS?

phendrenad2 3 days ago

Serious answer: Most people have moved to K8s so most of AWS is a few lines of code away.

  • oblio 3 days ago

    How do they store data? How do they handle queuing systems? Etc, etc.

    • phendrenad2 3 days ago

      You can do all of that

      • oblio 2 days ago

        You can do everything yourself but then your entire comment is beside the point.

        • phendrenad2 2 days ago

          sigh I'm saying if AWS loses enough good people, their moat won't save them.

          It's a bit of an obvious statement, I do admit.