Comment by lopkeny12ko

Comment by lopkeny12ko 3 days ago

14 replies

> Many people over the last few years have reorganised their life under the expectation of continued hybrid working

Why should an employer bear the burden of an employee's own poor decision making?

sulandor 3 days ago

because it's true the other way

  • Rinzler89 3 days ago

    But you're not forced to work for a company that wants you in the office, you're free to seek employment elsewhere that matches your remote requirements similar how a company isn't forced to hire remote workers only. You are both free to choose the best options that fit your demands if you can find them.

    Jobs and employers aren't for life. If you uprooted and reorganize your whole life based on the circumstances of a once in a lifetime global pandemic expecting things to stay like that forever, you've done goofed.

    • kstrauser 3 days ago

      That’s not a good take. Compare/contrast: “but you’re not forced to work for a company that wants you to work in hazardous conditions without safety gear”. That’s far different from RTO, but the point is that there’s a huge power imbalance here and it’s not as simple as saying “don’t work there if you’re not happy with […]”.

      • Rinzler89 3 days ago

        IMHO, yours is not a good take. I get it, I also like to WFH if I can instead of commuting, but working from the office is not the same as working with hazardous substances both legally and as a apples to apples take.

        Working in hazardous environments is outlawed (unless proper care is taken), working from the office is not outlawed. If you want working from the office to be outlawed as a health hazard you'll have to convince the government to do that as part of OHSA and labor laws but good luck getting any workers' sympathy that commuting to work in your cushy air conditioned office is not to your taste from the likes of those doing landscaping or roofing.

        Otherwise we can stretch the definition endlessly to working with Windows, Agile, Scrum, Teams and Jira is a health hazard and should be also outlawed because I just don't like them, but me not liking something is not enough to make it outlawed.

    • Tade0 3 days ago

      Friendly reminder that remote work in IT was a thing way before the pandemic. I for one started working from home full time in 2015.

      Also your approach seems to be to just accept whatever employers throw at you. Have you considered that they might be colluding (in a sense) to deprive you of options?

      I would like to know a rational reason why I should spend so much of my day travelling.

      • Rinzler89 3 days ago

        >Also your approach seems to be to just accept whatever employers throw at you.

        Where do you see me saying such a thing?

        >I would like to know a rational reason why I should spend so much of my day travelling.

        Companies say it's for "better collaboration". You would do it if you had no other options if every potential employer would require you to be on site depriving you of remote options, but because the market is in your favor giving you options, it's difficult for you to empathize with the other situation.

MrScruff 3 days ago

Not sure why you're being downvoted. Unless the employee has hybrid working in their contract then the decision to reorganise their life around it is their own responsibility, not the company's.