Comment by 93po

Comment by 93po 3 days ago

15 replies

AI news article comments bingo card:

* Tired ClosedAI joke

* Claiming it's predictive text engine that isn't useful for anything

* Safety regulations are either good or bad, depending on who's proposing them

* Fear mongering about climate impact

* Bringing up Elon for no reason

* AI will never be able to [some pretty achievable task]

* Tired arguments from pro-IP / copyright sympathizers

kmeisthax 3 days ago

> Tired ClosedAI joke

> Tired arguments from pro-IP / copyright sympathizers

You forgot "Tired ClosedAI joke from anti-IP / copyleft sympathizers".

Remember that the training data debate is orthogonal to the broader debate over copyright ownership and scope. The first people to start complaining about stolen training data were the Free Software people, who wanted a legal hook to compel OpenAI and GitHub to publish model weights sourced from GPL code. Freelance artists took that complaint and ran with it. And while this is technically an argument that rests on copyright for legitimacy; the people who actually own most of the copyrights - publishers - are strangely interested about these machines that steal vast amounts of their work.

larodi 3 days ago

Interestingly there should be one which is missing which is well appropriate unless everyone is super smart math professor level genius:

These papers become increasingly difficult to properly comprehend.

…and thus perhaps the plethora of arguably nonsensical follow ups.

  • CamperBob2 3 days ago

    These papers become increasingly difficult to properly comprehend.

    Feed it to ChatGPT and ask for an explanation suited to your current level of understanding (5-year-old, high-school, undergrad, comp-sci grad student, and so on.)

    No, really. Try it.

aurareturn 3 days ago

>* Claiming it's predictive text engine that isn't useful for anything

This one is very common on HN and it's baffling. Even if it's predictive text, who the hell cares if it achieves its goals? If an LLM is actually a bunch of dolphins typing on a keyboard made for dolphins, I could care less if it does what I need it to do. For people who continue to repeat this on HN, why? I just want to know out of my curiosity.

>* AI will never be able to [some pretty achievable task]

Also very common on HN.

You forgot the "AI will never be able to do what a human can do in the exact way a human does it so AI will never achieve x".

  • HarHarVeryFunny 3 days ago

    > Even if it's predictive text, who the hell cares if it achieves its goals?

    Haha ... well in the literal sense it does achieve "its" goals, since it only had one goal which was to minimize its training loss. Mission accomplished!

    OTOH, if you mean achieving the user's goals, then it rather depends on what those goals are. If the goal is to save you typing when coding, even if you need to check it all yourself anyway, then I guess mission accomplished there too!

    Whoopee! AGI done! Thanks you Dolphins!

  • peterhadlaw 3 days ago

    I think it's less about what it is, but what it claims to be. "Artificial Intelligence"... It's not. Dolphin keyboard squad (DKS), then sure.

    The "just fancy autocomplete" is in response, but a criticism

    • aurareturn 3 days ago

      What's wrong with the phrase "artificial intelligence"? To me, it doesn't imply that it's human-like. It's just human created intelligence to me.

      • danparsonson 3 days ago

        Partly because "artificial intelligence" is a loaded phrase which brings implications of AGI along for the ride, partly because "intelligence" is not a well defined term, so an artificial version of it could be argued to be almost anything, and partly because even if you lean on the colloquial understanding of what "intelligence" is, ChatGPT (and its friends) still isn't it. It's a Chinese Room - or a stochastic parrot.