danparsonson 3 days ago

Partly because "artificial intelligence" is a loaded phrase which brings implications of AGI along for the ride, partly because "intelligence" is not a well defined term, so an artificial version of it could be argued to be almost anything, and partly because even if you lean on the colloquial understanding of what "intelligence" is, ChatGPT (and its friends) still isn't it. It's a Chinese Room - or a stochastic parrot.

  • CamperBob2 3 days ago

    It's a Chinese Room - or a stochastic parrot.

    Show me a resident of a Chinese Room who can do this: https://chatgpt.com/share/66e83ff0-76b4-800b-b33b-910d267a75...

    The Chinese Room metaphor was always beneath Searle's intellectual level of play, and it hasn't exactly gotten more insightful with age.

    • danparsonson 3 days ago

      I understand and agree that ChatGPT achieves impressive results but your appeal to incredulity doesn't make it anything more than it is I'm afraid.

      • CamperBob2 3 days ago

        It's not incredulity, just pointing out the obvious. Searle placed very specific limitations on the operator of the Room. He rests his whole argument on the premise that the operator is illiterate in Chinese, or at least has no access to the semantics of the material stored in the Room. That's plainly not the case with ChatGPT, or it couldn't review its previous answers to find and fix its mistakes.

        And you certainly would not get a different response, much less a better one, from the operator of a Chinese Room simply by adding "Think carefully step by step" to the request you hand him.

        It's just a vacuous argument from square one, and it annoys me to an entirely-unreasonable extent every time someone brings it up. Add it to my "Stochastic Parrot" and "Infinite Monkeys" trigger phrases, I guess.

  • aurareturn 3 days ago

    Do people really associate AI with AGI?

    Because we've been using "AI" to describe things many years before AGI became mainstream. Companies used to use "AI" to describe basic ML algorithms.

    When I see "AI", I just think it's some sort of NL or ML. I never think it's AGI. AGI is AGI.