Comment by jitl

Comment by jitl 4 days ago

3 replies

The comment above is elaborating on x86 micro-architecture, the differences between how the CPU handles x86 instructions specifically.

The overall system architecture is different between PC, which has discrete memory systems for the CPU and GPU, and a very long pathway between GPU memory and system/CPU memory, versus today's consoles which have unified memory for CPU+GPU, and optimized pathways for loading from persistent storage too.

Consolesuse their own graphics APIs, but you would have any vendor you contract with for graphics support your native graphics API and everything would be "fine". PS5 games use GNM/GNMX Playstation proprietary graphics APIs. Usually PC ports of console native games re-implement the rendering engine using the PC graphics APIs like DirectX or Vulkan. The re-implementation is probably less efficient and less tuned.

TimeBearingDown 4 days ago

Great answer. Denuvo and other heavy anti-piracy tools are also sometimes used for releases on PCs which can seriously impact performance.

ac29 3 days ago

> Usually PC ports of console native games re-implement the rendering engine using the PC graphics APIs like DirectX or Vulkan. The re-implementation is probably less efficient and less tuned.

This was true 25 years ago when in house bespoke game engines were more common and consoles weren't basically PCs. In 2024, I highly doubt many cross-platform games are ported at all - its just a different target in Unreal/Unity/etc.

  • kuschku 3 days ago

    > I highly doubt many cross-platform games are ported at all - its just a different target in Unreal/Unity/etc.

    Horizon is running in Guerilla Games' in-house Decima Engine, which is PS5-only for production builds. Ports are handled by nixxes.

    Kojima games previously used Konami's in-house Fox Engine, again primarily designed for playstation. Since Kojima left Konami, Kojima games use the Decima Engine as well.