Comment by ac29

Comment by ac29 3 days ago

1 reply

> Usually PC ports of console native games re-implement the rendering engine using the PC graphics APIs like DirectX or Vulkan. The re-implementation is probably less efficient and less tuned.

This was true 25 years ago when in house bespoke game engines were more common and consoles weren't basically PCs. In 2024, I highly doubt many cross-platform games are ported at all - its just a different target in Unreal/Unity/etc.

kuschku 3 days ago

> I highly doubt many cross-platform games are ported at all - its just a different target in Unreal/Unity/etc.

Horizon is running in Guerilla Games' in-house Decima Engine, which is PS5-only for production builds. Ports are handled by nixxes.

Kojima games previously used Konami's in-house Fox Engine, again primarily designed for playstation. Since Kojima left Konami, Kojima games use the Decima Engine as well.