Comment by SV_BubbleTime

Comment by SV_BubbleTime 4 days ago

6 replies

I’ve seen all the sides of remote work now.

The only people that are offended by Musk’s comment are the being he was talking about.

“You can pretend to work somewhere else”

Remote work is awesome for some people. But if you don’t admit that a great number of people are scamming it - then your opinion is just as invalid as their obviously defensive position.

thrtythreeforty 4 days ago

Nah. I wrote critical boot code for brand new silicon from home. Took my team from "behind" to "changing how people did chip bringup." Without ever seeing them in person for literal years.

Can be done. And yeah, that comment rubs me the wrong way.

  • SV_BubbleTime 3 days ago

    Yea, cool.

    You aren’t the point.

    If you can’t see and admit the massive abuse from most people - obviously except for you - then there is no discussion.

    Everyone is always so quick to say how great THEY are and can’t ever even sort of discuss the reality of abuse because that position threatens their goal.

    It is obtuse self-interest and disingenuous. Those comments rub me the wrong way.

    • cruffle_duffle 3 days ago

      > It is obtuse self-interest and disingenuous. Those comments rub me the wrong way.

      That is pretty much all arguments for WFH. It's always "oooo I'm so much more productive" and occasionally "I can do errands and stuff now"... but never does it get more reflective than that. It might be great for the individual but for the team level and higher, it's probably not great at all.

      Plus... I personally know a non-trival number of people who made some seriously boneheaded short-term real estate purchases in the peak 2020 insanity assuming they'd be doing this WFH forever. The amount of privilege these people had doing that while so many non-tech people got screwed over by their governments... makes it very hard for me to really feel sorry for people having to go back into the office. It was always supposed to be temporary no matter what anybody told them.

      • horns4lyfe 3 days ago

        Surely there are some boots you can lick elsewhere…