cruffle_duffle 3 days ago

lol. Or maybe people don’t all think like you and have equally valid opinions on things?

But no COVID was truly the absolute most deadly thing on earth since the dawn of humans. Space Ebola really. So let’s shut down all of society and let a bunch of privileged laptop class workers get richer pretending to work at their fancy expensive houses with separate detached offices while all the working class stiffs get screwed thanks to societies hysterical overreaction to a fucking respiratory virus whose median age of death is higher than your average life expectancy.

Perhaps if all the incredibly privileged laptop class got kicked out of their non-essential jobs like everybody else they’d have an entirely different take on what went down the last four years. Because I tell you what, most of these folks would have changed their tune really quick once they realized how little their unemployment check would have been and how they couldn’t get a straight answer from their insane government when things would return to actual normal and they could collect a paycheck again.

Instead they basically got a paid vacation working at home while yelling at all those less privileged to “stay the fuck home” from their fancy rich fucking houses. It’s really hard to give a single fuck about these people being asked to return to the office. In a just, equitable world they should never have been allowed to continue working their non-essential job in the first place no matter where that work would have taken place. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. You want society to shut down, then you too should stop getting a paycheck. In no case should society have allowed most of the tech industry to stay operational.

Bootlicker I am indeed.

  • SV_BubbleTime 2 days ago

    > You want society to shut down, then you too should stop getting a paycheck.

    Ha. You know at well as anyone the global breakout for the flu would have lasted two days.