Comment by mykowebhn

Comment by mykowebhn 4 days ago

22 replies

Yours is a heartfelt, sincere take on a successful 21st century career in tech, but I feel it is so one-sided.

Yes, you seem to have benefitted greatly, but your examples of efficiency and availability are flawed. For example:

"apps on phones that can know my tastes and preferences": I don't see any benefits. When Youtube recommends for the billionth time a stupid soccer short because I previously watched one soccer short, I want to scream. Also, privacy or lack thereof.

"hailing a cab virtually": made possible due to full-time workers who have none of the benefits of full-time workers, in other words, exploitation.

"a bonkers level of selection of goods to all consumers": One word that encapsulates the other side of your "bonkers level of selection"--Temu.

"low friction same-day delivery": Made possible due to our reliance on fossil fuels

"far greater access to online services including education and financing": I'm not sure about the financing part. Education? Yeah, if I want to learn about something like video-editing. But I could've bought a book on that in the past and probably learned it much more in depth. If I wanted to learn something like German Idealism, not so much.

I think your pocket book has benefitted immensely, but all of the other benefits don't seem like benefits to me on a macro level. But kudos to you for doing so well and believing the world partakes in your good fortune.

roenxi 4 days ago

There seems to be an argument here against markets, energy use and entertainment. While criticism is legitimate, little there is related to tech specificially and it is more a complaint against the construction of modern society from the 1700s onwards.

borski 4 days ago

That’s a pretty cynical view. In essence, what you’re saying is “all the things you care about are not things I care about and/or actually despise.”

And that’s OK - you don’t have to work at Amazon! But the implication is that the OP has the “wool over their eyes,” so to speak, and I think that’s unfair. They’re allowed to love their job and find it impactful, even if you don’t. :)

It’s possible I misread this somehow, so if that’s the case, apologies in advance.

  • azemetre 4 days ago

    It's not cynical to point out external costs, the alternative is to take corporate propaganda at face value without ever questioning if things are right or not.

  • j_maffe 4 days ago

    GP isn't arguing for subjective preference but objective value. People are of course allowed to find their work impactful. Doesn't mean it actually is.

hluska 4 days ago

What do you do that is so pure it doesn't have externalities?

  • arcticbull 4 days ago

    Let they who work on a product without externalities cast the first stone

    • yamazakiwi 4 days ago

      The opposite, as it is a privilege to work somewhere without externalities.

      • Ferret7446 4 days ago

        The privilege of ignorance? Because no such thing exists, unless of course you are ignorant of the externalities which is very likely.

        As they say, ignorance is bliss.

  • cwalv 3 days ago

    Academia or journalism. Or maybe a lobbyist

  • fwip 4 days ago

    Degree matters. Working at a missile factory is worse than working for Amazon is worse than working for a public library.

    • cm2012 4 days ago

      Working at a missile factory could be one of the best/most important things you do with your life. Anti-air interceptor missiles save innocent lives every week in Ukraine, for instance.

    • notinmykernel 4 days ago

      Well, if you are R&D, you may be working on a ~~missile~~ drone project for Amazon. So, one and the same.

    • fwip 3 days ago

      Whoops. Should have remembered not to offend the pro-war crowd here on HN.

    • CamperBob2 4 days ago

      Ask your friendly neighborhood Ukrainian refugees if they agree with that.

      • underlipton 4 days ago

        You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall, etc.

        Nicholson was still the bad guy.

    • Nimitz14 4 days ago

      You are stating as fact what is in fact your (naive) opinion.

      • fwip 3 days ago

        The fact is that the degree of harm matters. My opinion is that weapons of mass murder have made the world worse.