Comment by borski

Comment by borski 4 days ago

2 replies

That’s a pretty cynical view. In essence, what you’re saying is “all the things you care about are not things I care about and/or actually despise.”

And that’s OK - you don’t have to work at Amazon! But the implication is that the OP has the “wool over their eyes,” so to speak, and I think that’s unfair. They’re allowed to love their job and find it impactful, even if you don’t. :)

It’s possible I misread this somehow, so if that’s the case, apologies in advance.

azemetre 4 days ago

It's not cynical to point out external costs, the alternative is to take corporate propaganda at face value without ever questioning if things are right or not.

j_maffe 4 days ago

GP isn't arguing for subjective preference but objective value. People are of course allowed to find their work impactful. Doesn't mean it actually is.