Comment by irrational

Comment by irrational 4 days ago

22 replies

I'll just do what I do now. Go into the office (I am fortunate that I live maybe 15 minutes away), card in, spend 30 minutes there so it detects my computer use on the network, then go home and work from there. Or, I just won't go in and keep doing my work until they call me on it. My work can easily be done 100% remote and most of my coworkers are in other countries, so it is crazy that I need to go into an office.

bboygravity 4 days ago

It's also crazy that any office worker needs to go to an office (and waste time in traffic and pollute, unpaid, for work).

This could all be fixed within 1 day if government would mandate companies to pay you for the duration you're away from home for work (including travel time).

It would fix pollution, traffic jams, housing shortages, fake employee shortages, mental/stress issues and potentially even declining birth rates.

But I guess "because boss says so" is a more important argument to not fix all of those things.

  • CydeWeys 3 days ago

    > This could all be fixed within 1 day if government would mandate companies to pay you for the duration you're away from home for work (including travel time).

    Be careful what you wish for. The most likely result of this would be companies simply letting go any employees that had a commute longer than X minutes. And of course all the remaining employees would now say their commute takes X minutes too, to get the maximum subsidy. E.g. I currently bike, which takes 15 minutes, but I could easily walk and make it take 40 minutes instead, to get a nice bonus to my current pay.

  • tuna74 4 days ago

    So if you walk to work you should get more pay than your neighbor that bikes to work if you work at the same location?

    • arcticbull 4 days ago

      If an Uber Eats guy brings you food from down the street, they get some amount of money. If they bring you food from across town, they get much more money to cover the extra time they spend driving. In both cases they brought you McDonalds.

      That said, I think it's more like if you're expected to work 40 hours per week, and your employer mandates you come into work an hour each way, then you should either be expected to work 32 productive hours -- or you should be compensated for 48 hours. But I guess this has always been the difference between exempt and non-exempt employees.

      • nox101 4 days ago

        I had a friend who lived 90 minutes from work. He complained that the commute sucked and wanted something for it. I talked to a friend who pointed out he took the job. It was his decision to take a job 90 minutes away. It was not the company's responsibility to pay him more than others because he chose to live that far away.

      • paulcole 4 days ago

        > if you're expected to work 40 hours per week, and your employer mandates you come into work an hour each way then you should either be expected to work 32 productive hours -- or you should be compensated for 48 hours.

        That’s this person’s fault for choosing to live an hour from the office. I’ve always realized how stupid commuting is and the longest commute of my adult life (I’m currently 41) has been a 30-minute bicycle ride.

        Now the people who live an hour from the office want less work or more pay than me? I say just fire them instead.

        Or just let everybody negotiate the deal they want for themselves and let them price in their cost of commute or whatever into their ask. If somebody who lives an hour away wants to work 20% fewer hours or make 20% more money, let them shoot their shot and ask for it.

    • nimih 4 days ago

      The logistics of having that level of granularity are probably a little unrealistic, but employers already follow a similar principle when adjusting pay scales based on cost-of-living for a given metropolitan area.

    • moomin 4 days ago

      Honestly they should pay me for the use of my home as office space. It’s not free to maintain.

      • SoftTalker 4 days ago

        You can deduct your home office if you use it only as an office for work. If it's also your bedroom, you can't.

arcticbull 4 days ago

This has come to be known as "coffee badging" where I work, heh.

I usually schedule my in-person meetings in a block, come in for that, then go back home to do my coding. It's nice to get a change of scenery.

I am far less efficient this way of course since I lose 90-120 minutes a day, but if that's how my employer wants me to spend my time... I guess that's why they call it "compensation."