Comment by nox101

Comment by nox101 4 days ago

6 replies

I had a friend who lived 90 minutes from work. He complained that the commute sucked and wanted something for it. I talked to a friend who pointed out he took the job. It was his decision to take a job 90 minutes away. It was not the company's responsibility to pay him more than others because he chose to live that far away.

arcticbull 4 days ago

As I replied to a peer comment, my employer moved my office from a 10m walk downtown near my house to a 45-60m multi-modal commute to an industrial office park. I didn't sign up for that, but I like my job. Now if they'd had to factor in reimbursements for actual distance traveled for employees maybe they'd be more motivated to stick closer -- and to only hire employees within a distance budget they're willing to pay.

  • nox101 4 days ago

    Sounds like you should look for a new job.

    Jobs move. My Mom's company moved from San Diego to Denver. She quit.

    • arcticbull 3 days ago

      For what it's worth I like my job, if I didn't I probably would have made the move when the office relocation was announced. I was just pushing back on the idea the only employees are to blame for commutes. I take the train and bike now and it's chill, but certainly less efficient.

  • woooooo 4 days ago

    But is it closer to the CEO's house?

    • arcticbull 4 days ago

      It certainly is lol, how did you guess?

      • woooooo 4 days ago

        I once heard it proposed as an immutable law of nature, been looking for exceptions ever since. None so far.