Comment by koito17

Comment by koito17 5 days ago

4 replies

There seems to be undocumented requirements for romanizations of city names. Consider a Japanese city like 船橋市。 The official romanization (訓令式 / ISO 3602) would be "funabasi". This is how many people type the name with an IME. However, this is input is rejected, while "funabashi" is accepted.

I'm not sure of a good solution. It may be a good idea to state the requirements somewhere

codeconscious 5 days ago

Hmm, good observation. I guess the site supports Hepburn-romanized names. I believe adding support Kunrei-shiki and maybe Nihon-shiki names too would resolve this issue pretty well.

Given that it's an English site, I'm unsure of the value of supporting the original Japanese names too, but of course it would be neat if it did.

(More info about Japanese romanization for any interested: