Comment by staticman2
Comment by staticman2 2 days ago
I found arena was a place with a 2000 token limit on inputs.
I think it even quietly eliminates the input without telling you. Nobody is putting serious work tasks in 2000 tokens on Arena.
The lesson you should have learned is Arena is a dumb metric, not that people have unfounded biases against Grok 2. (Which I've used on Perplexity and found to be unimpressive.)
The other thing is dumb, low quality statements are all over reddit and Twitter about any "hype" topic, including mysterious new models on arena. So it isn't surprising you encountered that for Grok 2, but you could have said the same thing for Gemini models.
If reddit can be believed, Wizard LM 2 was so much better than OpenAI models that Microsoft had to cancel it so OpenAI wouldn't be driven out of business.
People say all sorts of dumb stuff on social media.