Comment by jillyboel

Comment by jillyboel 2 days ago

5 replies

I never thought americans were this weak and pathetic. Y'all always screamed about "muh guns" and stuff like that, but now... You're just sitting idly while your new king takes over, even discouraging others to do anything that may upset your supreme ruler?

Geee 2 days ago

These people who complain are the guys who don't have guns.

  • jillyboel 2 days ago

    Can't they just buy some? There's been loads of arguments on HN about how the right to own guns is seen as important, just for cases like this.

    • rererereferred 2 days ago

      They are the ones arguing against the use of guns for cases like this. They are in the worse situation, either they lose or their ideology does.

      • theultdev 2 days ago

        They don't have an ideology.

        They just parrot talking points aimed at stripping their rights away.

        Even the 1A is on the block because of "misinformation, hate speech, etc."

NikolaNovak 2 days ago

(To be fair, though I'm not in USA / an American, if we're going to stereotype and generalize unfairly, it seems it's largely the "Muh Guns" folks you refer to that support/vote for Trump and the like).