Comment by jppope
Language evolves. Capitalization is an artifact of a period where capitalizing the first letter made a lot of sense for the medium (parchment/paper). Modern culture is abandoning it for speed efficiency on keyboards or digital keyboards. A purist would say that we should still be using all capitals like they did in Greek/Latin which again was related to the medium.
I'll likely continue using Capitalization as a preference and that we use it to express conventions in programming, but I totally understand the movement to drop it and frankly its logical enough.
It's slower for sure, but capitalization does impart information: beginning of sentences, proper nouns, acronyms, and such. Sure, you could re-read the sentence until you figured all that out, but you are creating unnecessary hitches in the reading process. Capitalization is an optimization for the reader, and lack of capitalization is optimization for the writer.