Comment by wat10000

Comment by wat10000 3 days ago

5 replies

> overhead and ideological reprogramming

I despair at the thought process that crams these two things together.

2.5% overhead would be really good. Most charities don’t come close.

“Ideological reprogramming,” whatever that actually means, would be completely different.

jpcom 3 days ago

It looks like USAID had 4B of the 40B budget actually reach endpoint users, which would make the overhead closer to 90% [1], not 97.5% like I originally estimated.


  • wwtw 3 days ago

    Reading this gpt answer: > In fiscal year 2022, nearly 90% of USAID's expenditures were allocated to international contracting partners

    How are you figuring that none of that is reaching endpoint users? E.g. I imagine the International Red Cross could be such a partner.

  • wat10000 3 days ago

    Seriously? Not even your own linked conversation supports this assertion, even though you tried to lead it there.

jpcom 3 days ago

It's called the US Agency for International Development. Everyone seems to think "AID" is a word here. It is not, it is an acronym.

  • wat10000 3 days ago

    OK, I'm aware, not sure what that has to do with anything here.