Comment by kkfx

Comment by kkfx 2 days ago

3 replies

The sole meaningful VPN is the one you host yourself to connect personal stuff around the world in a sole network. For privacy I2P etc performances are not enough for normal use, the rest is mere noise.

That's IMVHO the substance, not counting the fact that even a secure channel is meaningless if you run proprietary crapware at their end.

rafram 2 days ago

You ever tried browsing the web on a data center IP? It doesn’t work very well.

  • EVa5I7bHFq9mnYK 17 hours ago

    My self hosted hetzner vpn can't view youtube, read reddit and is blocked by 25% of all web sites. Another 25% require me to solve ten-step captchas in order to view their content. No such problems exist with mullvad, but there are other problems with it.

  • remram 2 days ago

    They specifically say "connect personal stuff" not "browse the web"