Comment by habinero

Comment by habinero 2 days ago

2 replies

> But how are animals with nerve-centres or brains different? What do we think us humans do differently so we are not just very big probabilistic prediction systems?

I see this statement thrown around a lot and I don't understand why. We don't process information like computers do. We don't learn like they do, either. We have huge portions of our brains dedicated to communication and problem solving. Clearly we're not stochastic parrots.

> if we develop the technology to engineer animal-style nerves and form them into big lumps called 'brains'

I think y'all vastly underestimate how complex and difficult a task this is.

It's not even "draw a circle, draw the rest of the owl", it's "draw a circle, build the rest of the Dyson sphere".

It's easy to _say_ it, it's easy to picture it, but actually doing it? We're basically at zero.

fragmede 2 days ago

> Clearly we're not stochastic parrots

On Internet comment sections, that's not clear to me. Memes are incredibly infectious, and we can see by looking at, say, a thread about Nvidia. It's inevitable that someone is going to ask about a moat. In a thread about LLMs, the likelihood of stoichastic parrots getting a mention approaches one, as the thread gets longer. what does it all mean?

  • staticman2 2 days ago

    You seem to be confusing brain design with uniqueness.

    If every single human on earth was an identical clone with the same cultural upbringing and similar language conversation choices and opinions and feelings, they still wouldn't work like an LLM and still wouldn't be stochastic parots.