Comment by intended
sure - the extreme left voices have definitely become louder, because this kind of emotive argumentation is wildly successful.
But they are following the path blazed elsewhere. The primary source of griping and emotion have been owned by right wing media. It’s their whole shtick.
The statement itself, is because tons of research comes for universities, which the conservative news and opinion machine are dedicated to denigrate and demolish.
So you see reality have a left wing bias, because conservative information providers have to reduce support and credibility of science.
See creationism for an example of how far this has been taken.
> I am well aware it feels the exact opposite to conservatives.
Personally I have voted liberal all my life and dont have a conservative bone in my body, so maybe you are not quite so clever as you think.
Also your spelling mistakes and poor sentence structure make it really difficult to figure out what your point actually is.
Sure. But right now what do care more about - the nitty gritty details of
1) The way software and projects at DOGE are going
2) “leftist claims that men can become women and vice-versa.”
This is a fundamentally a distracting question. It may give you mental relief (Yahh the other team is dumb, Reality is dumb)
Great! Take the breather.
But then talk about 1.
I get that things are polarized. I get that there is an INTENT behind it. But you’ve got all 3 branches of government. You have the ability to actually make this work.
Why THIS approach. What are the accountability checks and balances?
Are they just creating a new talking point to bounce down the years???
Did people get the required clearances? If not, why were the clearances there? IF yes, How are they making sure this is not going to be FUBARED.
How is responsibility going to be allocated? Are we going to have this over our heads for all generations to come? A new political ball to punt blame?
How do we get accountability for what - even to you - must look like the wrong way to do things.
I was just responding to a dubious assertion with a clear counter-example.
As for DOGE, I live in a different country and not really care to be frank, as an external observer the US is a testbed. We will see what kinds of results going all guns blazing to reduce fraud in government, instead of asking nicely, will produce in due time. As your leftist friend said, you need to break some eggs to make an omelette.
> Reality has a famously left wing bias.
Personally I would say that extreme left supporters are in my experience much louder and more emotive with their arguments.