Comment by 3D30497420

Comment by 3D30497420 3 days ago

3 replies

What are their guardrails? Do they have accountability? Does "parallelise" mean compiling data on people from different systems? Dossiers? Are they even following the law?

> They have simply...

Oh yes, because this is all very simple. What is "waste"? How is it defined? Who decides what is waste and what isn't?

goku12 3 days ago

Serious question to those who are cheering for the 'elimination of waste'. What do you expect to happen to the money thus saved? In what ways do you expect those savings to benefit you or the broader citizenry?

  • xnx 3 days ago

    I expect the "saved" money to be given (no air quotes) to the richest 0.1% via additional permanent tax cuts.

exe34 3 days ago

if it's not funding tax cuts and corporate handouts for Elon's companies, it's waste.