Comment by golol
You are considering issues of like 0.25x - 4x efficiency gain or loss while ignoring that the real issue is possible vs impossible. If I have a household tobit that can vacuum the floor taking 4x as time as me I don't care. It's still extremely useful. This is why we human-imitatinf approached are used everywhere. It won't be the most efficient solution but the data contains information that helps make it possible at all.
No, I'm not considering speed. I'm considering efficiency. A simple example: I tried to do plastering for a room in my house a few months ago, and as a first-timer, I did a terrible job. There are many things I learned later by hiring a professional plasterer:
- Mix type.
- Mix consistency.
- Mix timing and water amount (which he adjusted as he worked).
- Uneven walls.
These things are based on experience, room type, wall type, wall alignment ... etc. There is no way that a robot will do the same job as a man; it has to be done differently. Using the same space as humans will not make generic robots useful. Your vacuum example is perfect, I have one and had to manually add/remove the water container as the robot will not be able to do that. Even if it does, it has to return to the dock, unload, and start again. A human would remove it at any point and place it somewhere else.