Comment by pyrale
Would you want a prospective employer to have access to your past tax returns when negociating salary?
The article also mentions information about employees operating in conflict zones.
Would you want a prospective employer to have access to your past tax returns when negociating salary?
The article also mentions information about employees operating in conflict zones.
A lot of jobs don't use TWN. None of the ones I've had did so.
It's not the employers themselves that use TWN directly, but the payroll companies the employers use. Perhaps in your industry or at your particular choice for jobs, the choice of payroll software does not end up aligning with TWN? _All_ of my previous salaried tech jobs do use TWN (I had to call each one, when a background check company seemingly couldn't do it themselves)
It seems most payroll companies send data to TWN [0]. Though I'd question the quality and breadth of each data feed. I also haven't looking into the percentage of US companies who use payroll software from the big providers and/or do it themselves
[0]: this comment tree at
Salary information is already easy to get thanks to The Work Number