Comment by fredrikholm

Comment by fredrikholm 2 days ago

7 replies

There's few things that makes me dislike someone quicker than when they dismiss the suffering of others, or use their own circumstances to dismiss others inability to "just don't X".

Look, man, shut up.

mcny 2 days ago

Or trivializes other people's work. Like when a lead developer or a manager wants to chime in and say the story point estimate is too much and it should be smaller.

> Just do x, y, z

Ok then you take the story.

> Oh but I don't know frontend.

But you know the estimate is wrong?

I hate the word "just"

  • chriswarbo 2 days ago

    > I hate the word "just"

    This is one of those things that someone pointed out to me, I agreed with them and have since tried to avoid saying "just do ...", "why not just ...", etc.

    However, that means I now really notice it from others. sigh

    • Thorrez 2 days ago

      I generally try to avoid the word just. However, I'll still occasionally use it during a code review, when I see a large amount of code that can be replaced by something much simpler and smaller.

      • mcny a day ago

        I am all for it if you are willing and able to sit down and follow through. Or at least show me the way. I can't read minds.

        • wink a day ago

          An ex-coworker introduced the rule that every time someone said "You just..." he increased his estimation by 1 level (standard fibonacci planning poker).

          That was like 15 years ago and I've at least mentioned that rule to every team I've been a part of ever since. It usually works.

  • axus 2 days ago

    Always disliked that word. Replace it with "simply", then we can debate how simple it is.