Comment by akudha

Comment by akudha 2 days ago

3 replies

When I was a kid (not in the U.S), I remember village elders diagnosing all kinds of illnesses simply from checking one's pulse, without asking any questions or even talking. These are people with minimum education, minimum or zero exposure to science or labs or modern medicine.

Now we have all kinds of powerful, fancy machines and drugs and procedures and today's doctors still misdiagnose, mistreat even relatively simple issues.

I don't know if it is because we as humans have lost touch with nature, our own bodies or we have way more illnesses today than I was a kid 4 decades ago or what else is the reason. It is kinda depressing and mind boggling at the same time.

hatthew 2 days ago

when my grandma was a kid she remembers the village doctor telling her she has ghosts in her blood and she should do cocaine about it

adammarples 2 days ago

I get the impression from the second part of this that you think the village elders were correctly diagnosing things?

  • burnished 2 days ago

    I wonder how likely that is? I suspect their understanding of their diagnostic technique is flawed, but beyond that, would a small enough group have a similarly small pool of common afflictions such that you could develop a useful body of medical lore?