Comment by tkjef
You're already in the process of progressing career-wise. Keep it up! Just don't stop!
Try out idea.. after idea.. after idea.. However many you think is a lot (it is) you can do more. :) What's the alternative? Stop? Give up?
Some words of advice. A consultancy is a result of you having badass skills and a badass network. It isn't built because you want to start a business. Maybe 15 years ago you could.
With a consultancy you will be going up against guys with badass skills and a badass network. What would be your plan to go against them?
Having your own business sounds like just the ticket. And you're off to a good start it sounds like. Think better about your next ideas. Think more strategically. Do better market research. Make better data driven decisions. Align everything about all the things you've been working on (if you can, or some of them).
Play with your brands, brand names, target markets (geographic areas, age segments). Play with logos, websites, website tools, marketing strategies, instagram account usernames, domains, vanity phone #s. Play with all of these and shape the mold of what you're wanting to make.
It should be a combination of what you want to do, what you think can make money, what is easiest for you to execute and probably a bunch of other shit all with percentages that fluctuate based on the idea.
This was a bit lengthy as I'm feeling pumped up from applying to ycombinator last week, but I'd like to end with this.
The ability to pivot, re-prioritize, not give up, stay positive, see the bigger picture & identify the true dictating factors of situations (meaning find what, if changed, changes other things that are important and what those other things are) seem to be important.