Show HN: The One File I Created for Every Programming Language (10+ Years)
( points by FullException 2 days ago
Throughout my career, while exploring different programming languages, I realized that having a quick reference was essential for refreshing my memory on the fly. So I developed a habit: for every new language I learned, I’d build a reference file (like that documented everything from basic syntax to advanced features.
Now, a decade later, these files have become my go-to resource. They’ve helped me study for interviews, revisit old projects after years, and now, in the AI era where generating code in unfamiliar languages is more common than ever, I think they’re more relevant than ever. A concise, straight to the point reference can be the difference between "it works" and "I actually understand why it works."
I believe these references will be especially helpful for developers looking to pick up a new language quickly, without having to go through extensive courses or tutorials.
I've updated most of the references, added some new ones, and made them open source. I've also put together a website where you can find them all:
Github Repo:
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and feel free to contribute if you have ideas or improvements!