Comment by Stevvo
A huge amount of words, a lot which validate the perspective of the people it is directed against.
I was involved in the development of a multiplayer mod for GTA5 nearly 10 years ago. I couldn't understand the technical direction of FiveM at the time because it was based on the existing peer-to-peer, client-authoritative architecture of GTA Online that caused countless problems with cheats/hacks. All it did was provide a way for Lua scripts to call the game's native script functions.
This is in contrast to other mods, such as Alt:V which is the target of much of this tirade. These other mods were inspired by MTA/SA:MP and provided a complete reimplantation of multiplayer in the game where the server is the ultimate authority. Much like any MMO or competitive FPS.
IIRC how FiveM works now is that it pretends to be a "peer" when reusing the GTA Online protocols. Per area where players are, one player becomes the "owner" of that zone (responsible for traffic etc since there's no way for the server to know the map), it network backs to the "server peer" which in turn networks it to other players in the area. The server keeps a track of what player owns what in order to prevent cheats and sanitizes input from clients.
The server only tries to network a limited amount of players to the client (that are nearby) in order to bypass the GTA online protocol player limit. But ultimately this meant that a lot worked on FiveM compared to Alt:V (e.g. traffic, networked scenes, full character appearance etc).